Thank You!
This is my favorite part. All the friends and family who are helping me get this story told ...some whom I've known all my life, some I've met more recently, and some I've never met. It amazes and humbles me to be able to constantly add to this ever growing list!
Keith Garcia
Amy Bourquin
Robert Barto
Ranee Jimenez
Laura Lee Motis
Shannon Mary Bailey
John Zack
Paul Hauglie
Joe DiResta
Peter Hogan
Jeff Braun
Bonnie DuBois
Bryan Dobbs
Evan Orfanides
Justin Baumgardner
Dacalier Wine Co.
Liz Davis
Jessica Shoemaker
Melody Marianne House
Shannon VanWagoner
Leslie Charles
Laura Nagle
Pat Hartmann
Katrina Patton
Tannika Scott
Lisa Miller
Toni Sanger
David Drazga
David Morales
Lindsey Ekland
Kelli Crawford
Jody K Knibloe
Brandy Sanders
Michelle Koszegi
Kathy Stone
Daniel Park
Stacy Plowman Pennock
Jack & Denise Pin
Stefanie Davis
Kathryn Degner
John Kennedy Knibloe II
Heather Darling
Coriee Alley
Steve Greene
Sadie Francis Skyheart
Cynthia Alwood
Chris Pickenpaugh
Moe Irving
Robert VanCamp
Dina Cicotte
Ted and Helene Szajer
Sean McCully
Neil Gonzales
Dawn D. Bengel
Thomas Bixby
Abby Glogower
Vikki Pike
MJ Logue
Cathy ONeal
Kathy Piotrowski
Terri Reynolds
Peter McQuillan
Christopher "Captn Tightpants"
Sherida Janecke
Margo Strong
Sherry Woods
Lee Speidel
Melisa Stout
Laurie Bienstock
Robin Heneghan
Brian & Eileen Stout
Alejandra Schrader
Chris Loken
Dick and Chris Kempf
Patrick D Quinlan
Mark Rademacher
Keith Coulouris
Mary Ann Berthiaume
Michael Stubenvoll
Tiffany Graetz
Anita Mansfield
David Berthiaume
Oktay Ortabasi
Connie Humphreys
Josh Miller
Jeannine Scheinhorn
Kenneth Konop
David Holcomb
Gary Magee
Scott Moore
Robert C. Kempf
Kate Higgins
Julie Rodriguez
Angelita DuPont
Tom Berthiaume
Kimberly Green
Derek Baugh
Nancy J. Kempf
Janet Stout
John Boyd
Audrey VanBuren
Lynda Kay Bruton
Suzanne Gillingham
Bill Marks
Pauline Janisse
Noelani Mars
RVNA Event Insurance
Aimee Stout
David Schrader
Gnorman Pin
Larry G. Stout
Diana Tallie
Michele K. Anderson
Jim Gordon
Beverly Hilton
Hari Inder Kaur
ZAGUTO generously offered to loan camera gear